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December 11, 2023 5 min read

Travelling with baby creates wonderful family memories but does come with challenges. At DockATot we believe babies are not handbrakes on life, so we have put together some helpful tips to help you master your next family holiday. With this handy list in tow, the hardest part will be choosing where to visit next!


1. Relax and Roll With It 

It's helpful to remember when travelling with a baby, just to roll with the changes. Yes, your baby's sleep patterns will be disrupted. Yes, your baby will get tired. Yes, you might feel overwhelmed during a long journey. But hold onto the fact that holiday memories are some of the fondest you'll ever make as a family. The effort will be worth it! So by leaning into the discomfort and disruption of travel, you will help set up your young family for a lifetime of fun adventures together. 


2. Find Baby-Friendly Destinations 

New Parent Hacks: 10 Tips for Travelling With Baby

It's important to remember a baby will feel most at home wherever their parents are. So if you are enjoying your travel destination, your baby will sense your calm and contentment. And a happy baby will make an excellent travel companion!

When considering a baby-friendly destination, important questions include; is there safe transportation, can I get quick access to medical care if required, is the climate baby-friendly and is clean food and water available for my baby?

Like adults, babies have distinct personalities, some of us thrive with external stimulation while others prefer quieter environments. You know your baby, so choose accordingly for happy travels.


3. Babywearing To The Rescue

New Parent Hacks: 10 Tips for Travelling With Baby

Baby carriers can be a family-travel-lifesaver! If you want to get off the beaten track and go for a hike, stroll around the town or even just head to the local weekend markets, babywearing takes the hassle out of needing a stroller. Bonus point - baby can nap on the go! Check out Babes in Arms for some wonderful baby carrier and newborn wrap options for you!


4. Baby Loungers Offer Comfort and Familiarity On-the-Go

New Parent Hacks: 10 Tips for Travelling With Baby

Lightweight and portable, it's easy to take along your DockATot to create a safe spot for your baby to lounge and play in while on your family adventure. Your DockATot will provide the comforts of home and help soothe your baby while giving you hands free moments while on holiday.


4. Protect Your Baby from the Elements 

When taking your DockATot on holiday over the warmer months, don’t forget to pack your Cabana Kit. Made from SPF 50+ fabric and featuring a zip-away mozzie net, this popular accessory will allow you to relax on the beach or poolside knowing your baby is safe from the elements and bugs.

New Parent Hacks: 10 Tips for Travelling With Baby


5. Travel Made Easy with DockATot Accessories 

DockATot was founded by a jet-setting mama of two who also created a range of smart accessories to help make family travel fuss-free. 

Protect your precious dock on the go with our stylish Travel Totes. You can relax knowing that everything you need is right there at hand.

New Parent Hacks: 10 Tips for Travelling With Baby

While we like parenting in style but that doesn't mean we forget the practicalities. When you're out and about with your dock, keep it clean with our base protectors for both the Deluxe and Grand DockATots.

New Parent Hacks: 10 Tips for Travelling With Baby


6. Compact Stroller for Out-and-About Naps

Portable Travel Pram

Enjoy strolling around museums, art galleries and parks as your little one enjoys their afternoon nap with a handy compact stroller perfect for travelling. There are many brands (like BabyBee above) who have a collection of compact travel strollers that you can take carry on or that will easily slot into your boot with all of your other travel essentials. You get to see some of the sights of the places you visit and your little one will be well rested – now that’s a win-win!


7. Have Baby Wipes, Will Travel! 

Tucking baby wipes into your nappy bag can make any parent feel like a super hero! Bring them along or buy them at your destination, nappy wipes are your ultimate keep-baby-clean-anywhere-tool...great for cleaning surfaces, sticky fingers and on-the-go nappy changes! If you’re looking for a more sustainable option, take a look at Ecoriginals and their range of biodegradable wipes.


8. Request an Spare Seat on the Plane

Depending on the age of your baby, you will be able to have them on your lap for the duration of the flight at no extra cost but if you are wanting a more comfortable flight without them in your arms or on your lap, then a spare seat will be a godsend.


9. Feed During Take-Off and Landing

New Parent Hacks: 10 Tips for Travelling With Baby

If you can book a flight that coincides with feeding and nap time, then this is the one to go for! Feeding during take-off and landing will help with the air pressure changes and there’s the added bonus of getting a nap in before you land.


10. Rain Noise and other sounds on your phone

Playing consistent white noise can help your baby fall asleep no matter where nap time finds them. Consider downloading a White Noise app on your phone and trying it out with your baby a few weeks before you take off. This way, you'll have a quick sleep hack in your back pocket no matter where your holidays takes you. 


Travelling with a baby is a wonderful way to explore the local gems in our wonderful backyard, and hopefully these little tips will help when you decide to jet-off. Don’t forget to enjoy your getaway regardless of what happens, lessons can always be learnt for next time!

As Confucius says, ‘wherever you go, go with all your heart.

Wishing you many happy family travel memories!

Love, DockATot x

New Parent Hacks: 10 Tips for Travelling With Baby

Simplifying life for new parents, DockATot is your extra set of hands.

The multi-functional DockATot is the perfect place for your baby to lounge, play, rest, cuddle, and enjoy  tummy time. The DockATot is here for you no matter where the day takes you! Created to mimic the womb and voted as a must-have baby product, parents and babies around the world love DockATot.

From parents who know:

"Life saver! No matter if we are home or out and about, we always take our DockATot with us. So easy for on the go and also easy to clean." - Alexia D.

"Best baby investment ever - worth every dollar! Extremely versatile and handy, it's like having an extra set of hands. My boy Quinton absolutely loves his DockAtot. Time to upgrade to the Grand soon." - Anna D.

"This has honestly been my lifesaver post c-section. The DockATot means I can have him next to me all the time and not move around too much." - Meagan L.

 New Parent Hacks: 10 Tips for Travelling With Baby

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