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November 01, 2017 1 min read

"DockATot is the BEST thing I have ever bought since becoming a Mummy!
Millie has used this everyday since she was 4 weeks old. ⠀⁠⠀
A few reasons why we love it: ⠀⁠⠀
- It cocoons her so she feels snug and secure which she loves.⠀⁠⠀
⁠- It was a god send in the early weeks as I wouldn't need to leave bed to breastfeed and resettle in the middle of the night. ⠀⁠⠀
⁠- We can take it away with us as it fits in one half of a suitcase, that way she can sleep anywhere and feel safe and familiar with her surroundings. ⠀⁠⠀
⁠- The cover is fully removable and machine washable.⠀⁠⠀
As soon as we pop her in it, do up her sleep swaddle and turn on her white noise she is literally asleep within minutes. She knows it's time to sleep when she's in her little bed." 

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